For a Dutch-speaking man. You must have seen this in real life! The room is for one person's stay and has a very special living environment. The property is a beautiful room and is located 10 kilometers away from the center of Den Bosch, 4 kilometers from a train station Zaltbommel and 1 kilometer from a bus stop. There are many different facilities. Including shared use of kitchen, shower, toilet and terrace, and in the summer months terrace, BBQ, swimming pool. Is equipped with its own vanity unit. All this is secluded with free parking, we prefer to look for a man up to 30 years old who respects the housing needs, is social and speaks Dutch. If interested, please mention why you are looking for a room, what kind of work/study you do, and what age you are. Then the room can be viewed without obligation Mvg JohanInterested in this house? Go to and send a message to the host or roommates.
Please note that all the long stay apartments on our site are available for a minimum of 6 or 12 month rental period, unless stated otherwise in the description.